RCP (Rhythm Connection Practice) is a new and innovative Group Coaching initiative... a Coaching programme designed to help people rediscover their lives again, and start a journey of transition to finally realise their Goals and Desires. When you join an RCP course you become a member of a group of special people who are all on the journey of a lifetime…the journey of Transformation and Fulfilment.

These group members are made up of people who are all seeking progression in life. They all share a desire to Transform their current situation and reach levels of achievement they know deep inside they are capable of, however they understand they need a little help. Members of RCP Coaching groups want more from life than they are getting, and they do something about it…they embrace ACTION! Is this YOU?

Members of RCP Group Coaching courses meet weekly ( there are online and face-to-face courses) for one and a half hours of Coaching/discussion/debate/support, on all aspects of Transformation and Personal Development with me Eddie O Neill Coach. These courses are generally 8 weeks in duration. (think Slimmingworld for Success Seekers)
The sessions are designed to ignite motivation, inspiration, emotional and physical energy, and be a space where like-minded people can share ideas, encourage and support each other on their life changing journeys. They also engage in some relaxing meditation, mindfulness, learn to use affirmations and visualisation to support their desires, and how to incorporate the power of belief into their daily lives.
As a Professional Drum Circle Facilitator I include some Drumming / Rhythm activities in the courses to enhance Empowerment, Energy, Creativity and Fun. This is not Drumming Lessons, and no Drumming (or musical) experience whatsoever is needed...in fact, you don't even have to have a Drum. So no worries about that. This is Life Coaching (with a beat) not music lessons.
We have all kinds of clubs, gyms, societies, courses, groups and so on for everything from keeping fit to losing weight, or healing practices such as yoga or mindfulness, however my Coaching courses are not for losing weight...they are for gaining TRANSFORMATION…they are not for keeping physically fit, but for keeping PERMANENTLY POSITIVE about what you can achieve in your lifetime…GAINING THE CONFIDENCE to move towards your desires and UNDERSTANDING that BELIEVING you can do it is paramount.
So, are you ready to join an RCP group? You know you have so much more aptitude and flair hidden inside you that if released could elevate you to a level of happiness and success that up to now was unthinkable. Trust me, you can do it…JOIN me now on one of my Group Courses and I will prove it to you….or should I say, I will help you prove it to yourself. Promise yourself that from now on you are a person of ACTION… Contacting me NOW will be your first step… I’m here to help...that's my job as an Empowerment RCP Life Coach. Let's do it!
During the RCP courses, each member will also have the option of a weekly private 30 minute phone or Zoom Life Coaching call with me to address their own personal challenge/s, and to receive action based “homework” undertakings for the following week. This of course carries an extra cost.
Cheers, Eddie.